The first of the new MEDIA MODELLING shows from HaMeX Events - that explores 'the media' in all its forms - was held on 6th May 2018
However it is important to note that this wasn't 'just' film and television, and certainly wasn't 'just' science fiction and fantasy - though of course none of that was excluded!
We wanted a much wider range of modelling subjects - as the logo says - not only Film and TV, but Books, Comics, the Theatre, Video Games, stories in the News, and expanding media and publishing even wider - even images that have appeared on Record Covers
WINNER of the first MEDIA MODELLING 'Oscar (the Grouch...)' was Cris Simmonds for his whole display of media-related models. Presented by Show organisers, Mat Irvine and Paul Fitzmaurice (top left) Cris with his award and display, (top right) |
General view of the Hall, Co-organiser Mat Irvine set up a display of his models that hopefully illustrated the wide range of 'Media Modelling' subjects. Below : John Gozzard and Stuart Carrier displaying as 'Film Fangs' - Left : Stuart talks to some of the visitors, right a close-up of the multifaceted display! Right : John (seated) talks with TV director, Nigel Sizer |
Left : winner of the first Media Modelling 'Oscar', Cris Simmonds, (centre) talks with Brian Porter of the New City Scale Modelling Club Right : regular trader at smallspace, Clive Anderhoven, of Antares Concepts, (left), talks with Tony James of Timeless Hobbies |
Left : John Mayfield from the Wisbech IPMS Scale Model Club. Right : one of the displays, the Polar Light Beatles as from Yellow Submarine Below left : Chris Mitchell, Below right : Nick Allen and, below, one of his many 'Wallace & Gromit and Shawn the Sheep' creations |
Left: newcomer to the HaMeX, Martyn Laurence with film posters - he will almost certainly be at smallspace 7, 1st July. Right : Rikki Wolfe of 'Lost Projects', (seated) and below, some of his displays |
Left : New City Scale Model Club Right : John Gozzard of Film Fangs, photos some of Mat's display, while Georgy Liddle, (far right), talks with Gary Holland and Steve Fletcher |
Above : Ian Peacock (waving!) with (above left and right), two of his displays Left and right : Phil Mills (seated) with his factual rocket display, mainly showing news-worth Elon Musk's SpaceX designs. He is talking with Stu Carrier of 'Film Fangs' |
Left : Andy Spencer, Gary Holland, Phil Stephens and Janet-Elizabeth Black, Right : Janet and Phil with their displays of Cybermen and Daleks |
Above: co-organiser Mat Irvine with his specially set-up display Below right : co-organiser Paul Fitzmaurice on his Modelling Tools stand |